Only You Can Make What You Do Matter

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Pause for a moment and think about one of your favorite brands? Now we’ve already learned that brand could be a product, service, place, region, or even a national monument. Whatever it is, think about what makes it special? How is it unique to you? Why are you willing to pay more just to have it.

Whatever your favorite brand is, YOU are getting some benefit from the purchase and/or ownership experience; something that you believe you can’t get anywhere else [AND] chances are, that feels freak’n fabulous.

Only YOU can make what you do matter. Understanding the concept of personal branding, and choosing to stand out and be seen for what you do different, gives you the competitive edge.

Brands are unique, and consumers will pay more to have a unique experience. So it’s important to set yourself apart from everyone else - when you do, people will go out of their way and spend more just to do business with you.

Another important reason to create differentiation is because the world of work has changed forever. Years ago, your job didn’t change much and your manager managed your career for you.

Today in order to be successful, YOU need to determine your own professional positioning. YOU need to decide where it is that your contribution will be most valued in your business and your community.

I am not talking about creating a false facade. Your brand should reflect who you are, and what your abilities are. Your goal is to show the people in your particular world who you are, and what you represent without saying a word. By doing this, they will be more open to what you have to say.

When people are asked “What do you do?” the default is to respond by stating the job title that’s printed on our business cards.

What sounds more compelling to YOU? “I’m a coach” [or] “I help people develop their personal brand and position the best version of themselves for long-term success”

It’s time to dig deep and begin to evaluate your total perceived value, relative to competitors, visible by your audience. This perceived value is created through personal appearance, personality, competencies and the differentiators.

You already have a personal brand. The million dollar question is, is it one that reflects your internal self, your external self and the world in which you move?

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